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Evan is a person who does coding. He codes with Python and watches videos of bootstrap. That's it.

Articles Liked by Me: 53

Magic Mouse vs. Magic Trackpad: Which Is Better?

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

You just bought a Mac. Next, you bought a Magic Keyboard. Finally, you would need a cursor controller. With the Magic Mouse, you rest your hand on the curved surface and move your arm around to move the pointer up, down, to the left, and the right. The Magic Mouse is more portable. You can lift it with the same hand you navigate with, move it to a different surface, and continue clicking without missing a beat. You can shove it in your back pocket and take it with you on the go. The Magic Trackpad is a little too big to lift with one hand easily, and it doesn't fit in your back pocket. However, with the Magic Trackpad, you move the pointer around by swiping with one finger on the surface. I find it to be more comfortable from an ergonomic standpoint. You don't keep your hand resting in the same place for long periods like you do on a mouse, which is overall better on your hands unless you're specifically using an ergonomic mouse. You don't have to move your whole arm around to move the pointer. With a mouse, the surface of your desk (or a mouse pad) is what you use to move around on the screen. With a trackpad, your finger does the walking. If I were to recommend one over the other, however, I prefer the Magic Trackpad. It features more gestures and the overall design is just better than the Magic Mouse. Check out the amazing Magic Trackpad here! ...  Read more

Analytical tools for measuring website traffic

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

In this article, I'm introducing two analytical tools for measuring website traffic. One is Google Analytics. It provides a free block of javascript code that you can insert into the head of an HTML page. The tracking operation functions by retrieving data about the page request and sending this information to the Analytics server. In the Google Analytics page, you can find in-depth details about visitors on your website, including page views, locations, traffic sources, real-time activities. A feature I find extremely helpful is that you can add multiple users or administrator accounts so that the website owner does not need to share his or her owner account credentials to other helpers, such as moderators who help to maintain the website. The other web analytical tool I've used is http://web.51.la. Same as Google: A free block of javascript code that needs to go within the head of each HTML page. It offers the majority of functions as Google Analytics except the multiple users per account feature. In addition, 51.la allows visitors to view the web traffic if the website owner permits, and the charts illustrated are easier to read than Google Analytics. The downside is that the language 51.la uses is Chinese. You need to be bilingual to get the most power out of it. ...  Read more


Categories: Education | Pubby Cash Received:  0

<b><i>中铁十二局四公司&nbsp;&nbsp;唐征武</i></b> 暗淡了刀光剑影,远去了鼓角铮鸣。然而,三国时代的赤壁之战至今被世人流传和称赞。这场战争,曹操的百万大军被孙刘的六七万军队击败,创造了战争史上以少胜多、以弱胜强的经典范例,为开创魏、吴、蜀三足鼎立的局面创造了条件。所以这场战争意义非常重大,影响非常深远。战争的经验和教训值得我们研究学习和借鉴。笔者再读《三国演义》,品味赤壁之战,认为曹、孙、刘三方有下列几个方面的经验和教训,供大家参考。 <b> 一、孙刘战略决策...  Read more


Categories: Education | Pubby Cash Received:  10

<b><i>唐征武</i></b> <i>(中铁十二局集团第四工程有限公司 710021)</i> <b>摘 要</b>:本文结合神化小说《西游记》以西方大乘佛法三藏传播东土大唐为项目主线,深入描述取经项目的历经过程,以取经人唐僧带领孙悟空,猪八戒,沙和尚三个徒弟和白龙马团队,同心协力,利用各种关系,调动各方力量,围巢妖怪妖精,扫除了前进道路上的形形色色的妖魔鬼怪,历尽千山万水,经历九九八十一难,行程十万八千里,历时十四年终于到达佛教圣地天竺国灵山大雷音寺。见到了佛祖,为大中华...  Read more

Beautiful Soup

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

Beautiful Soup is not a soup here. It is a python module that is written for web scraping - extracting data from websites. If you want to scrape contents from large websites such as Facebook and Twitter, they have specific APIs for web developers to do so, and they would rather like you to do it through their APIs. The Beautiful Soup is extremely useful if you are thinking of scraping data from small or medium websites. To do it, you need to pip install several modules: BeautifulSoup4, lxml, html5lib, and requests, and include the following statements in the py file: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests You can read the complete documentation of BeautifulSoup4 here. The deals page in the menu of this website is an example that BeautifulSoup4 is employed as an engine to extract the latest and hottest deals from external websites. Do check it out!...  Read more

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