Beautiful Soup

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Beautiful Soup is not a soup here. It is a python module that is written for web scraping - extracting data from websites. If you want to scrape contents from large websites such as Facebook and Twitter, they have specific APIs for web developers to do so, and they would rather like you to do it through their APIs. The Beautiful Soup is extremely useful if you are thinking of scraping data from small or medium websites. To do it, you need to pip install several modules: BeautifulSoup4, lxml, html5lib, and requests, and include the following statements in the py file: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests You can read the complete documentation of BeautifulSoup4 here. The deals page in the menu of this website is an example that BeautifulSoup4 is employed as an engine to extract the latest and hottest deals from external websites. Do check it out!

Published from: Pennsylvania US
Liked by: Andy Tang, Evan Tang 

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