Elder Moderator

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Total likes received: 79 | Pubby Cash: 843

Evan is a person who does coding. He codes with Python and watches videos of bootstrap. That's it.

Articles Liked by Me: 53

When Do You Use For Loops and While Loops?

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

Many programmers don’t really understand why there are two different loops and why they are used in the way they are. Probably the most common type of loop, for loops, are great for when you already know how many times you want to loop through something. When using a for loop, we typically use a counter that will either increment or decrement until a condition is met. Once the condition is met, the loop will stop. A while loop is slightly different than a for loop for the fact that it’s good to use when we don’t know how many times we want to loop through a problem beforehand. This is the key difference between using a for loop or a while loop. Either way, both loops can do the same thing, but for loops are better in situations where you want consistent repetition. This detailed book will extensively cover all of the fundamentals about loops and so much more in Python programming! ...  Read more

Want to Show off Your Computer Skills but Have None?

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

Have you ever wanted to become a hacker just to impress your friends or prank them maybe? Do you want to look like a professional hacker minus the learning part? Keep reading. Let’s start with some simple hacks to prank your friends successfully and show off your hacking skills. Here’s a brief code you can write on the notepad to shut down your friend’s PC without them knowing. Using this method, you can easily trick them into believing you have hacked their system. Open the notepad and type the fun code: @echo off shutdown.exe -s -t 10 cls msg* I told you not to mess with me! Now, save this file as 'myvirus.bat' and your first virus made in notepad is ready! Now if you'd rather trust me, I have the 'myvirus.bat' pre-made for you. All you have to do is right-click this link and save it to your computer (such as the downloads folder) as 'myvirus.bat' if it isn't already. Next, on your friend's computer, make your them download the file. Then to run it, right-click on the folder the file is in (if the file is in the downloads folder, right-click the downloads folder etc.) and select 'Open PowerShell window here' or 'New terminal tab at folder'. Then type in 'myvirus.bat' and press Enter! Before you do that, you can first show off to your friends with some cool commands in the command prompt. Press Windows and type ‘cmd’. Then type something like ‘whatis gopubby.com’ and press Enter. Many lines of data will appear and that will be enough to show off to your non-geeky friends! Interested in learning more? I would highly recommend this amazing book that shows you how to be pro with computers. You should definitely check it out! ...  Read more

Google Adsense vs. Amazon Affiliate Program

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliate Program are both ad programs that pay commission to users. As a youtuber, I received payment from Google Adsense by allowing it to playing ads in my uploaded videos. However, Google cares about the quality of your video content. If the number of your subscribers is greater than 1000 and the watch hours of your videos are greater than 4000, in other words, only when the quality of your videos is approved by the market, Google will make this ad option visible to you. I have to say, this bar is a little bit high. You really need to make videos of the best content before you can make money from them. Same thing applies to Google Adsense when it comes to website ads. If a website has limited valuable content, or does not have sufficient page views, Google will not post ads there. Amazon Affiliate Program is different. It sets a low bar. Anyone can create an account and display their ads. However, the account will be discontinued if the number of click-through purchases is not satisfied. The current rule is: within 180 days, a minimum of 3 click-through purchases need to be made. This does not sound too difficult compared to Google Adsense. The commission calculation algorithm of Amazon Affiliate program is different from Google Adsense, too. All of these need to be considered when picking the best ad partner. ...  Read more

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