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Andy Tang is the creator of who has a passion for programming and everything related to technology and is skilled in many areas of coding including Python, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, and SQL. He is experienced with many Python modules including Pygame, Flask, BeautifulSoup, and Kivy. He also has a solid knowledge of Windows, Mac, and Linux/Unix operating systems.

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Categories: Education | Pubby Cash Received:  10

<b><i>唐征武</i></b> <i>(中铁十二局集团第四工程有限公司 710021)</i> <b>摘 要</b>:本文结合神化小说《西游记》以西方大乘佛法三藏传播东土大唐为项目主线,深入描述取经项目的历经过程,以取经人唐僧带领孙悟空,猪八戒,沙和尚三个徒弟和白龙马团队,同心协力,利用各种关系,调动各方力量,围巢妖怪妖精,扫除了前进道路上的形形色色的妖魔鬼怪,历尽千山万水,经历九九八十一难,行程十万八千里,历时十四年终于到达佛教圣地天竺国灵山大雷音寺。见到了佛祖,为大中华...  Read more

Beautiful Soup

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

Beautiful Soup is not a soup here. It is a python module that is written for web scraping - extracting data from websites. If you want to scrape contents from large websites such as Facebook and Twitter, they have specific APIs for web developers to do so, and they would rather like you to do it through their APIs. The Beautiful Soup is extremely useful if you are thinking of scraping data from small or medium websites. To do it, you need to pip install several modules: BeautifulSoup4, lxml, html5lib, and requests, and include the following statements in the py file: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import requests You can read the complete documentation of BeautifulSoup4 here. The deals page in the menu of this website is an example that BeautifulSoup4 is employed as an engine to extract the latest and hottest deals from external websites. Do check it out!...  Read more

The Mi Band 4

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

Do you like watches that are comfortable, efficient, and electric? If you said yes to any of these, then the Mi band 4 is the right watch for you. This watch is very comfortable and does not make any scratches on my wrist. You can also change the size of it so it can fit you the best. This watch is also very efficient. For example, it is 100 percent waterproof. Not only that, but there are tons of features that you can do with it, like counting your steps or to see how long you sleep. Being efficient is just one of the many positives about this watch. Finally, it is electric. The watches that are not electric-only tell time. However, the Mi band 4 can know your heart rate, tell the weather, and more. This is why Mi band 4 is such a great watch, so you should buy it. ...  Read more

Google Adsense vs. Amazon Affiliate Program

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

Google Adsense and Amazon Affiliate Program are both ad programs that pay commission to users. As a youtuber, I received payment from Google Adsense by allowing it to playing ads in my uploaded videos. However, Google cares about the quality of your video content. If the number of your subscribers is greater than 1000 and the watch hours of your videos are greater than 4000, in other words, only when the quality of your videos is approved by the market, Google will make this ad option visible to you. I have to say, this bar is a little bit high. You really need to make videos of the best content before you can make money from them. Same thing applies to Google Adsense when it comes to website ads. If a website has limited valuable content, or does not have sufficient page views, Google will not post ads there. Amazon Affiliate Program is different. It sets a low bar. Anyone can create an account and display their ads. However, the account will be discontinued if the number of click-through purchases is not satisfied. The current rule is: within 180 days, a minimum of 3 click-through purchases need to be made. This does not sound too difficult compared to Google Adsense. The commission calculation algorithm of Amazon Affiliate program is different from Google Adsense, too. All of these need to be considered when picking the best ad partner. ...  Read more

The Logitech Wireless Mouse M545/M546

Categories: Tech | Pubby Cash Received:  0

If you think that your mouse is not very good or does not work well, you should read this article because it will tell you about one of the best mouses that you can get, which is the Logitech wireless mouse M545/M546. Why is this mouse so good? This mouse is wireless and has seven different buttons that you can press on it. It uses a nanochip instead of Bluetooth so it is more reliable. What I find the coolest part about this mouse is that you can customize the buttons on it so it can do different things with it. This can be very useful when you want to change the volume very fast without using your keyboard. Not only that, but the scrolling is free-spinning, so you can scroll very quickly. To summarize, the Logitech wireless mouse M545/M546 is a very efficient mouse and I highly recommend you to get it. ...  Read more

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