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Git and GitHub

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When you're collaborating with a team or just working solo on a project, it can get tricky to figure out who did what and what changes were made. Amid this mess, we have GitHub. GitHub is a Git repository hosting service, but it adds many of its features. While Git is a command-line tool, GitHub provides a Web-based graphical interface. It also provides access control and several collaboration features, such as wikis and basic task management tools for every project. In simple terms, it's a place to upload your projects and easily collaborate with other people. Uploading your projects to GitHub is a breeze. But the problem is this: whenever you make a change to any file of your project, you have to re-upload those files. Although you can directly edit the files in GitHub, it's not recommended. Also, think of it like this: when one of the people you're collaborating with finishes with their changes to the project, they also have to update the files of the master project. This often gets irritating when you have to copy and paste the code from your file onto your GitHub project. That's where Git comes in. You can think of Git as a command language, similar to that of the Windows Command Prompt. Real-life projects generally have multiple developers working in parallel. So a version control system like Git is needed to ensure there are no code conflicts between the developers. It's really easy to push your updates to the master project right from your desktop using GitHub Desktop or plain Git. It also tracks the version number of the files so you can see who did what at what time and why they did that. By learning Git, those team projects will be a breeze.

Published from: Pennsylvania US
Liked by: H2O 

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